Membership in the Cuchara Association is open to homeowners and landowners in the greater Cuchara Valley. The Association draws its members from the landowners who reside between and inclusive of the Mountain Valley Road area and the Cuchara Pass Ranch area.
The Cuchara Association provides many great benefits for residents of the valley. The Cuchara Recreation Center (the 'Rec Hall') and tennis courts are owned, maintained and managed by the association. The association hosts its annual potluck and general meeting every July 5th.
The Cuchara Summer Recreation Program is funded in part by the association. Led by Cuchara resident Bruce Johnson, the Summer Rec Program provides many fun activities including guided hikes, movie nights, stargazing, cook-outs and the ever-popular bingo.
Security services are available to association members who subscribe to the service. The security manager inspects subscribing members' homes twice monthly throughout the year.
A basic membership is only $60 per year. Dues help to maintain our historic 'Rec Hall', our tennis courts, and fund the association’s operating costs. However dues alone do not cover all of our expenses. Please consider making an additional donation (see the Donation tab above) or help support us financially by renting the Rec Hall for your special event.
Please click on the Member Sign Up button below to sign up for membership and pay dues online. If you prefer not to sign up online, please download our membership form by clicking on the Membership Application Form button and send the completed form, along with dues payment, to the address on the form. Do not hesitate to contact us by email or phone for answers to any questions.
- Access to the Recreation Center for family events such as wedding receptions, birthday parties, dinners, etc.
- Access to the Tennis Courts
- Eligibility for the Cabin Security Program
- Ability to upload and store Cuchara Photos on this web site
- Opportunity to support the Cuchara community!
Welcome to Cuchara!